Hello, Bloggers. Sorry for my slight absence. I have been very caught up on my new job and also, I have started writing film stories for a freelance website called Medium as a way for me to expand my practice and possibly veer closer to my goal of becoming a professional film critic.
That is why I am announcing that Film Guy Reviews will be finding a new home and it will be under a brand new name.
It will be a new publication called The Film Scoop. A website dedicated to satisfying the sweet tooth of every cinephile where I discuss the past, present, and future of film and will likely have other writers come on board with me.
While I am extremely grateful for Film Guy Reviews and how it has grown over the years, I am mainly using this site as a way for me to grow even further. But I will still keep all of my blog posts on this site for you guys to see.
Anyhow, I hope to see you guys satisfy for sweet tooth and check my stuff out on The Film Scoop. Right now, I don't have any content but I undoubtedly will very soon.
See you guys there!!